Welcome to the website for the 15th edition of the Scribbler!
The Scribbler is Fort Richmond Collegiate's creative works anthology. It’s a book full of FRC students’ amazing creative works! You can submit writing, photography, artwork, music, or videos.
The theme for 2024-25 is
Seasons of Change!It reflects life's transitions from one season to another where each season represents a stage in life, where people are evolving, sometimes for better, sometimes for worse, into new versions of themselves. For example, spring might symbolize fresh starts, and autumn might symbolize a time of reflection and maturity. You are free to think differently and interpret it in your own way!
PLEASE READ THE OUTLINE BELOW. What to Submit?WritingPoems, short stories, monologues, memoirs, etc. Please send as Microsoft Word documents. Maximum 3000 words.
PhotographyPhotographs should be taken in highest possible resolution with an artistic purpose in mind. We accept images in most image file formats with at least 300 DPI.
Note: Photographs can be for stand-alone pieces or as a background image for a page.
ArtworkDrawings, paintings, sculptures, prints, etc. Photograph or scan your work and send it in any image file format with at least 300 DPI. If you need help photographing or scanning your piece of art, please email us at
scribblerfrc@gmail.com.MusicMusic pieces will be added into The Scribbler with a QR code. Send us an MP3 file of the music piece
with a still image that compliments the piece or the lyrics.
VideoVideo pieces will also be added with a QR code to The Scribbler. These may be solo pieces, or they may accompany performance writing like song or poetry. Send us the MP4 file as well as a still image from the video to add into the book.
OtherIf your piece is something you can take a picture of (e.g. a pretty cake, crochet, costume. etc.) feel free to submit it in that form! Please see the "Photography" outline above for details on how to submit images.
Otherwise, if you have a creative piece and are unsure how to submit it, feel free to email us at
scribblerfrc@gmail.comYou may submit UP TO THREE PIECES in each category (video/audio, artwork/photography, writing) ONLYHow to Submit?Click here to submit!Online (please click the submit tab on the Menu bar!)Need help in submitting? Submit in PersonWe can aid you in taking a photograph of or scanning your physical art pieces upon request. Please contact us at
scribblerfrc@gmail.com for assistance.
Need more help? Please email Tavleen Kaur, Meelya Algazaa or Jaya Singh at TavlKaur@smail.pembinatrails.ca, MAlgazaa@smail.pembinatrails.ca or JSingh@smail.pembinatrails.ca